Paganini His Life, Works, and Times
di Danilo Prefumo

3, ISBN 9788855431583, LIM Editrice srl, Lucca 2022

pp. XIX+347 - 17×24, € 32,00

Niccolò Paganini (Genoa, 1782 – Nice, 1840) was one of the great protagonists of 19th-century European music, a symbol of romantic instrumental virtuosity, a daring innovator of violin technique, a talented guitarist, and a prolific composer. After receiving a musical training in his hometown — but substantially self-taught — he first came into the spotlight in Italy, and then, from 1828, throughout Europe, in a memorable tour that ended in 1834 after touching the main musical centres of Austria, Bohemia, Poland, Germany, France, Great Britain, and Belgium. Finally freeing the figure of this musician from the many — almost always groundless — conjectures and rumours that have made of Paganini a mysterious and disconcerting character, this volume offers, in its first part, a clear biographical profile based on the most recent historical research. This is followed by extensive and detailed analysis of all his works, conducted with the declared intention to contextualize Paganini’s technique and musical style within his own time, underlining the multiple and often ignored links between him and the violinists-composers of his past (first and foremost Locatelli and Lolli) and of his present, in particular the great masters of the contemporary French school: Giovanni Battista Viotti, Pierre Rode and Rodolphe Kreutzer.
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