BDMI - Italian Musical Data Base

The Italian Music Databank (BDMI - Banca Dati Musicale Italiana) was set up in 1995 as an advanced technological tool replacing the printed edition of the Italian Music Yearbook (Annuario Musicale Italiano, published from 1981 to 2007). The BDMI lists thousands of informative data, mainly regarding classical music, and is the first information system capable of documenting and classifying the multiple aspects of the music sector in Italy.

The BDMI undertakes to document and promote Italian classical music through continuous updating and verification of the data, as well as to research and include new entries, with the object of disseminating and augmenting the substantial corpus of musical information collected in almost 30 years’ activity.

The collected information is catalogued in 8 sections, subdivided in around 300 categories and is stored in an on-line database which offers printed cards that include an anagraphical section, a section describing the activity carried out and a detailed organization chart.

The system permits the user to retrieve and display easily and intuitively the information relative to:
-   institutional bodies: State, ministries, regions…;
-   professional associations;
-   production and distribution: associations, competitions, festivals, performers, theatres…;
- publishing and information: record companies, publishers, music publications, music periodicals…;
-   music education and research: conservatories, courses, schools, universities…;
-   research preservation of musical assets: research centres, sound archives, libraries…;
-   music outside Italy: national and international councils, Italian Cultural Institutes, embassies…;

A search engine is available for specific requests: name, category, town, province, nation and role.

Please do not hesitate to contact the editorial office for updating your entry or for information on the modality of insertion. The attached form can be used for sending photographs, curricula, repertory, audio and video files.

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